It’s easy to get lost in the abstract world of machine learning, but it’s also fun to see how these algorithms work in practice. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 16 cool machine learning projects that can help give you a better understanding of how the technology works.
1. A.I. Generates Art
A.I. can make art that is indistinguishable from human-made art, and it’s not just a cool party trick. In fact, the ability to generate new images based on text or other images is an important tool in machine learning research.
A Eulerian path through a graph with n nodes and m edges connecting them. The red dots are called vortices (or sinks), which are connected by strong lines called bonds (or arrows). The black dots represent vertices that have no outgoing edges from them; these are called sources (or sources). A simple example of an Eulerian path is shown here: start at any vertex and follow edge after edge until you come back to where you started; this will always work because there are no cycles in this graph structure!
2. A.I. Predicts Stock Market Performance
Machine learning algorithms are used to predict stock market performance, and they do it based on historical data. The more accurate the algorithm, the better it can predict future performance.
A good example of a machine learning algorithm that predicts stock market performance is a deep neural network (DNN). DNNs have been shown to be very effective at predicting future prices for stocks based on past trends in volume and price changes over time.
3. A.I. Creates Fake Celebrity Porn Videos
In a more sinister use of A.I., it’s possible to create fake celebrity porn videos using A.I. technology. This can be done by analyzing the facial expressions and body movements of real people in videos, then replicating those movements with 3D models in virtual reality environments that look just like the real thing but aren’t actually real at all!
The same process could be used for creating fake news stories or even images of anyone you want–you just need access to enough data about them (like photos) so that your A.I.-powered program can learn how they look and act before spitting out its own version of them based on its observations
4. A.I. Identifies Domestic Violence Victims in Police Bodycam Footage
In this project, researchers at Stanford University used machine learning to identify domestic violence victims in police bodycam footage.
The researchers trained their AI on over 6,000 videos from law enforcement agencies around the country. They then tested it against another 10,000 videos (5{6f258d09c8f40db517fd593714b0f1e1849617172a4381e4955c3e4e87edc1af} of which contained instances of domestic violence). The AI was able to correctly identify 95{6f258d09c8f40db517fd593714b0f1e1849617172a4381e4955c3e4e87edc1af} of these cases–a rate much higher than human analysts can achieve alone.
5. A.I. Detects Depression in Text Chat Conversations
- A.I. Detects Depression in Text Chat Conversations
- A.I. is able to detect depression in text chat conversations by looking at the language used by the person. It analyzes the words used, sentence structure and punctuation to determine if a person is depressed or not.
6. A Machine Learning Algorithm Can Tell If You’re Gay Based on an Image of Your Face
You may have heard that machine learning can be used to detect sexual orientation. The algorithm is based on facial features, and it’s pretty accurate: it correctly identifies orientation 83{6f258d09c8f40db517fd593714b0f1e1849617172a4381e4955c3e4e87edc1af} of the time. It can predict orientation with 70{6f258d09c8f40db517fd593714b0f1e1849617172a4381e4955c3e4e87edc1af} accuracy, according to a study conducted by researchers from Stanford University and the University of California-Berkeley.
The study involved showing volunteers images of faces and asking them whether they thought each person pictured was gay or straight. The researchers then used those answers to train their algorithm, which learned how people tend to perceive gays versus straights based on facial features alone–and then tried again using new faces not seen during training (the ones shown above).
7. Deep Dreaming Allows Machines to See What They Dream About at Night
Deep Dreaming is a technique in which a neural network is trained to recognize images. It can be used to create new images, generate new images based on existing ones, or generate similar ones.
The idea behind deep dreaming is that if you show a computer thousands of pictures of dogs and cats and then ask it what else looks like those things but isn’t actually one or the other (for example: “Show me something that looks like an animal”), eventually it will start to see things that aren’t there on its own accord. This makes sense because our brains are constantly trying new combinations when we look at things–we’re constantly putting together different shapes, colors, textures etc., even if they aren’t always successful attempts at making sense out of what we see. But if our brains do this automatically all day long (and night), why don’t machines?
8. Google’s Neural Machine Translation System Translates Languages Between English and Spanish Without Using Any Contextual Information or Rules for Grammar — Just by Looking at Both Languages Simultaneously and Learning from Experience
Google’s Neural Machine Translation System translates languages between English and Spanish without using any contextual information or rules for grammar–just by looking at both languages simultaneously and learning from experience.
Google Translate is an impressive tool that can translate between dozens of different languages. But did you know that it also uses neural networks? A neural network is a type of machine learning algorithm that learns by example instead of being programmed with rules or logic by humans. In this case, the system has been trained to understand how language works so well that it can translate between two different languages without needing any context or rules about grammar in order to do so!
These are just a few examples of how machine learning is being used today. As we continue to see the technology grow and evolve, there will be many more exciting projects like these coming out in the future!
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