You’ve heard of cloud computing. It’s everywhere, and it’s changing the way we do business. But how many people know what it is and why they should care? That’s where this article comes in! We’ll cover everything from cloud security to best practices for protecting yourself from risk. Read on for an easy-to-understand guide about the ins and outs of cloud computing—and how you can benefit from its advantages while avoiding its downsides.
What is Cloud Security?
Cloud security is a set of measures that help protect data and applications from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. It’s also referred to as “cloud governance” or “data governance.” Cloud security can be implemented through a combination of physical, technical, and administrative controls that are implemented across the cloud environment–including facilities where data is stored; networks used to transmit information between those facilities; users who access services provided by cloud providers; management tools used by administrators to manage resources within an organization’s cloud infrastructure (or multiple infrastructures); etc.
Why do I need Cloud Security?
The cloud is a shared environment, which means that it’s susceptible to the same security threats as any other public network. For example, if you’re using your company’s cloud storage platform and someone else shares it with you without knowing that they’re sharing it with you, then their files could be accessible to anyone who has access to the same platform.
Another concern is malicious insiders- employees who have legitimate access to sensitive information but use this access for malicious purposes such as stealing data or sabotage (e.g., deleting files). This can happen within companies that are using the public cloud or even within private clouds where employees have been granted access rights beyond what they need for their job functions and responsibilities but aren’t aware of how much damage their actions could cause if used maliciously against the organization itself!
Types of Cloud Security
- Identity and access management
- Encryption
- Malware protection
- Data loss prevention (DLP)
- Web security, including URL filtering and web application firewalls (WAFs)
In addition to these core services, you’ll find other cloud security solutions that can help you protect your organization from threats such as phishing attacks and ransomware.
Best Practices for Cloud Security
Here are some best practices for cloud security:
- Make sure you’re using a secure cloud provider.
- Use strong passwords and change them often.
- Use two-factor authentication (2FA).
- Use a VPN (virtual private network) when accessing sensitive information on public Wi-Fi networks or other unsecured connections, like those at coffee shops and airports that might not be safe from hackers or other threats.
If you don’t want to install software on your computer that allows it access through these networks, there are also browser extensions like LastPass or 1Password that can generate strong passwords for you and store them securely in their own databases rather than locally on your device where they could potentially be accessed by someone else if they got their hands on your laptop/phone/tablet etcetera!
Cloud computing is here to stay, so it’s important to know how to protect yourself from its risks.
Cloud computing is here to stay, so it’s important to know how to protect yourself from its risks.
Cloud security is an emerging field of study and an area of concern for businesses large and small. It’s also one of the fastest growing areas in IT security, with some estimates predicting a market size of over $20 billion by 2020. Cloud computing has been around since 1990, but it wasn’t until 2005 that Amazon launched what they called “Amazon Web Services” (AWS). Since then, AWS has grown into one of the largest cloud providers in existence today — with over 70 services available at their disposal!
The cloud is a powerful tool and can help you run your business more efficiently. But it’s important to understand the risks involved with using this technology before jumping in headfirst. Cloud security is designed specifically to protect against these risks, so if you’re ready to start exploring what this service has to offer then check out our website today!
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