February 14, 2025

Jamison Stumph

Next Gen Applications

What Is Edge Computing And Why Is It Faster?


You may have heard the term “edge computing.” If not, it’s basically a buzzword that describes using a cloud-based network to process data at the source of that data. It might sound like it’s just another way of saying “the internet”—and in fact, edge computing is just as much an internet thing as it is a local one. But edge computing isn’t just about moving your data around faster or connecting more devices to the web: It can also save you money by making your system more efficient, improve customer service for companies who need real-time results and make AI more accessible for smaller businesses.

What is edge computing?

Edge computing is a new way to process data. It’s a way to process data closer to where it is generated, closer to where it is consumed, and even closer to the user.

This means that you can achieve faster performance by processing your most sensitive and important information at the edge of your network–not in the cloud or at some central location away from where it’s needed most.

How can it make my job easier?

Edge computing can make your job easier by reducing latency. It does this by processing data closer to the source, in real time and locally.

  • Processing data closer to the source means less distance (and thus, less time) for information to travel between devices and applications.
  • Real-time processing allows for immediate responses from devices and applications when they need them most–and that’s good news if you’re using them for something urgent like an emergency call or a security breach notification!
  • Local storage means that all of your data will be available on-site instead of being sent off somewhere else where it could get lost or corrupted before being accessed again later down the road when needed most urgently by someone who needs something very quickly right now such as yourself maybe?

What is latency reduction?

Latency is a measure of how much time it takes for data to travel between two points. With edge computing, latency reduction can be achieved by reducing the distance between the edge and the cloud or by reducing hops between them.

In practice, however, it’s often difficult to reduce hops because there may be multiple layers of caching in place before you reach your destination server–and each layer adds more hops as well as more processing time.

Edge computing may be faster, but it also has some challenges.

Edge computing may be faster, but it also has some challenges.

Edge computing is a new technology that can make your job easier and improve performance for users. However, as with any new technology there are both benefits and risks associated with edge computing. In addition to speeding up the process of data transfer between devices on the network (which is especially helpful when dealing with high volumes of data), it also reduces latency and improves security by keeping sensitive information out of the public eye until it reaches its final destination–all while helping you avoid expensive upgrades like adding more servers or upgrading your existing ones.

However, these advantages come at a price: hackers can use edge computing systems against organizations who aren’t careful about how they use these devices in their networks; by targeting an organization’s networks through its own equipment rather than attacking directly from outside sources such as websites or email servers (which would be easier), hackers could potentially access sensitive information about clients/customers before anyone even realizes something happened!


In conclusion, we can say that edge computing is a promising technology that will help you to solve many of your problems. However, it’s not perfect–there are some issues with latency and security that need to be addressed before it can become mainstream.